1. Onwards on the Path

When I first read the Diamond Sutra, I was a bit startled and rather confused. Up to now, upon hearing someone recite the passage “Ưng vô sở trụ nhi sinh kỳ tâm” He (the bodhisattva) can only give rise to that mind without dwelling anywhere, I always thought it was a comforting mantra to soothe one’s anguish state of being. I’ve even read that the 6th patriarch Hue Nang, one day while out selling wood casually heard someone quote that passage and he was instantly enlightened. For me, the more I hear it, the more I’m lost in the fog of confusion.

After the publication of my book Thinking from the Heart, which comprised of my every thought and feeling about the Heart Sutra, I felt that my understanding was somewhat better though some confusion remained. For this reason I wanted to study other sutras to gain a little bit more clarity, in hopes of obtaining more faith and thorough practice. Knowing and Understanding is one thing, but to transcend from Knowing to believing, practicing, and remaining aware is not easy. That is why in the Heart Sutra, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara is said to “practice deeply the Prajna Paramita…” acknowledging that the five aggregates are empty, and then was freed from all suffering and misfortune. He was so happy that he cried out “Bodhi! Swoha!” but the Buddha admonished “Go on practicing deeply. Practice more deeply. Nothing has been achieved. Don’t be self-satisfied. Don’t be neglectful”.

I studied the Diamond Sutra and was surprised to find myself as captivated as I was when I studied the Heart Sutra earlier on. Sometimes I was surprised, sometimes I was puzzled, sometimes baffled, sometimes perplexed. Despite the existence of numerous sutras [taught by the Buddha] there is clearly a consistent unity of principle that went from the beginning to the end, with the methods of teaching vary depending on the audience for the teaching. If one can grasp the essence, maybe one will be less perplexed and be able to find “the way in”?

(Quý Phật tử nào muốn tham khảo, học hỏi thêm về Anh ngữ, xin mở 2 tab cùng lúc để đối chiếu. Phần Anh ngữ này được chép vào đây nhằm phục vụ cho những Dịch Giả tương lai)